There isn’t a more easily recognizable Vietnamese dish in the world. I think that on the popularity scale, pho bo places itself somewhere alongside spaghetti, fish&chips, sushi, pad thai and hamburgers. The distinctive slurping & lapping that accompanies eating pho bo has spread together with Vietnamese emigrants all across the States, Australia and Europe. And […]
100 gr of almonds cost me about 6 pln (1.5$) and I get around 1 litre of delicious vegan milk from this amount. It’s best to plan this a night before so the nuts can soak in the water for at least a couple of hours but you can always just put them in the […]
Banh cuon are delicate crepes with a meaty filling. You have to prepare the dough from rice and tapioca flour (you can also use starch) but the process of making the pancakes calls for advanced skills… First you have to tie a cotton cloth tightly on top of the pot (stringing it drum-like). You then […]
Pumpkin autumn continues. Again I mixed some flavours with my favourite Hokkaido and created a delicious, creamy soup that smells beautifully with kaffir lime leaves and galangal root. It has a sharp taste being delicate at the same time which makes it perfect for all those people that don’t like or can’t eat too spicy.
I believe we deserve some exceptional treats on those cold, autumn mornings when we lack the sun and energy. Those moments should taste a bit like 1st day of Christmas when we lazily snack on the delicacies from the Christmas table wrapped in the warm blanket and new socks from the Santa. It’s worth to […]