Smoothie combination that wouldn’t come up with. Cucumber, coconut milk and sweetener makes silky textured, refreshing beverage that will moisture and cool the body, exactly what I need when it’s 41 degrees outside. I don’t know the exact recipe they use at Manzi Cafe, where you will find it in the menu under Manzi Specials […]
All times favourite pho bo just cant go without it, especially if your taste buds were fed by the northern Vietnamese version of the soup. You can see pickled garlic on every table of every eatery in Hanoi, next to such classics like fish sause and chili ‘ketchup’. The pickled version tastes slightly milder than […]
I keep eating healthy, crunchy and vegetarian and it feels sooo gooood! Nevertheless, it does not influence my weight, maybe my body decided that it’s the best the way it is and it doesn’t want to change:)? Yeah…right! Never mind, it works for me, accompanies my yoga and early mornings lifestyle. There is a pile […]
I stayed in Zoraya Bungalows – clean, basic, cheap accommodation with a sea view and breakfast included (my fav: tomato omelette and pineapple juice) I didn’t feel like living Lombok at all. I let myself be embraced by its lazy atmosphere, space and nature that succeed to calm down my anxious, restless mind. How I […]
Last time I made this delicious, sunny yellow, lime-scented soup was 6 months ago, back in Warsaw. Today it came to my mind when I spotted corn cobs and juicy, green limes at the local, Vietnamese store and I couldn’t think of anything better for my Sunday dinner 🙂