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Spiced chicory coffee with cocoa

This drink is with me since last Autumn and not many things taste so amazing! It’s nourishing, harmonizing and boosts energy without any caffeine!☕️?☕️


1 tsp roasted chicory (I buy it from Lima brand at the eco shops)
1 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp dried orange peel, best if grounded (in Traditional Chinese Medicine it’s called Chen Pi)
1/4 tsp powdered cinnamon
2 cardamom pods crushed in a mortar
2 cloves crushed in a mortar
pinch of salt
150 ml water
200 ml oat or rice or almond milk
Heat the water with chicory, Chen Pi, cardamom, cloves and cinnamon. Add milk and heat till boiling point. Pour through a strainer into a blender, add the rest of the ingredients, mix and drink straight away. Enjoy!

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