Pickled garlic – favourite Vietnamese seasoning
All times favourite pho bo just cant go without it, especially if your taste buds were fed by the northern Vietnamese version of the soup. You can see pickled garlic on every table of every eatery in Hanoi, next to such classics like fish sause and chili ‘ketchup’. The pickled version tastes slightly milder than the fresh one and in my opinion nothing compliments the taste of pho broth better as couple of spoons of pickled garlic condiment along with the lime juice.
Vinegar marinate is the right choice to store your garlic, please don’t put it into your olive oil – the garlic has low, acidic ph and this combined with anaerobic environment (oil) plus additional room temperature can result in production of botulin toxin, which might be dangerous to your health.
Ingredients (makes 1 jar):
1 garlic head
1/3 cup rice vinegar
1 glass boiled water
4 tsp sugar
1-2 small chilli peppers (optional)
1 tsp salt
Mix together and boil water, vinegar, salt and sugar in a pot, take away from the heat and let cool. Peel and slice the garlic, transfer to the jar and pour over the liquid. If you chose to use chilli add it as well (you can slice them if you want your mixture to be spicier. Put the lid on and refrigerate. Your sweet-sour pickle is ready after 10-15 hours and it can last around 3-4 weeks if kept in the fridge. The very same way you can make the ultimate banh mi pickles of carrots and daikon.
PS. White garlic cloves can become delicately blueish – that is because they absorb minerals that are in the water and change neither taste nor quality of the pickles.
Taki marynowany czosnek to niedzowny dodatek do zupy pho bo, szczególnie jej północnow-wietnamskiej wersji.
Since the pickles are done here is the next step for you – delicious pho bo!
Thank you for putting this together.
In the recipe is “glass” referring to the measurement, “cup”
ha! thanks for noticing Josh, I’ll change it straight away
So is it 1 cup? Of water
yes, 1 cup
Thank you!
Thank you for posting this recipe. I just finished jarring 3 pounds of pickled garlic using your posted recipe. Here’s hoping all the jars turn out!
Carma, how did it work? Hope you enjoyed delicious pickled garlic